(catacombs) The CATacombs by Cat

The necromancers are gone, but their experiments remain
(High to Very High Level)
(Introduced FEB2011)
(sorc_villa) Shahaddar Villa by Rickler

This villa surrounds the palace of Shahaddar, providing challenges to friend and foe alike
(Very High Level)
(Introduced DEC2010)
(umulak) The Crypts of Umulak by Dridje

An ancient necropolis of mummified royalty
(High Level)
(Introduced MAY2010)
(shad_palace) Shahaddar Palace by Rickler

The seat and source of the Shahaddar Orc tribe's power
(High Level)
(Introduced MAR2010)
(thanatos) Thanatos Mountain by J

Atop this high mountain lies what may have once been Loreldian ruins
(Mid-High Level)
(Introduced JAN2010)
(kfortress) Kharaztorant Frotress by AmIAnnoyingNow

A terrible fortress of the dragon cult
(High Level)
(Introduced JAN2010)
(islesofdread1) The Isles of Dread I by J

Zombie lords rule this cave riddled isle
(Mid Level)
(isle) The Secret Isle by CSS

A large island with many secrets
(Low to Mid Level)
(islesofdread2) The Isles of Dread II by Dridje

Strange creatures lurk on this island.
(Mid to High Level)
(aluhandra2) Aluhandra Desert II by Rickler

The forbidding expanse of the Aluhandra desert holds many dangers
(High Level)
(aleyesu) Aleyesu by Rickler

Keledros has built a lair in these ancient desert ruins. Wait... Didn't we kill him?
(Mid to High Level)
(oceancrossing/smugglers_cove) Ocean Crossing by Rickler

Sail the high seas with Captain Ron!
(Mid Level)
(gertenheld_forest) Gertenheld Forest by Dridje

Wolves and goblins galore - has a young adventurer bitten off more than he can chew?
(Low Level)
(pvp_canyons) PvP Canyons by Jon

Play hide-and-go-slay in this twisted labrynth
(PVP) [Disconnected Map]
Lodagond Series by Crow and Adam Foster
You've found your way into Maldora's floating citidel, but can you survive? Epic map, for epic players!
Inner Lodagond (lodagond-2)
- Having survived the encounter with the ice mages, you must now brave the inner defenses
Lodagond Temple (lodagond-3)
- The temple gardens are alive with hostile inhabitants
Lodagond Inner Temple (lodagond-4)
- Witness the awe inspiring power that keeps the city afloat, and brave an encounter with the would-be Doom Bringer.
(Very High Level) [Gauntlet Map Series]
(ara) Port Ara by J

Orcs occupy the port town of Ara!
(Mid to High level)
(b_castle) The Castle by P|Barnum

The warriors of this cursed castle are animated by an ancient magic
(High level)
(bloodrose) Bloodrose by Evil Squirrel and Kuroneko

This nexus of valleys, once a grand trade-ways, is now held hostage by necromancy
(Mid to High level)
(calruin2) The Calrian Ruins Lanethan and Kuroneko

These ruins are host to a great evil
(Mid Level)
(challs) The Halls of Charthane by L3ft_Turn

Once a hall of heroes, now a den of the undead
(Low to Mid Level) [Hidden Map]
(chapel) The Lost Chapel by CSS

Winding woodlands conceal a fallen temple
(Low level)
(cleicert) Cleicert Temple by Dridje

This elemental temple imprisons a great evil that now threatens to escape
(Mid to High Level) [Disconnected Map]
(daragoth) The Plains of Daragoth by Ewok and DrKill

These expansive plains are contested by orcish hordes
(Low to Mid Level w/some auto-adjusts)
(demontemple) The Demonic Temple by AmIAnnoyingNow

A hidden stronghold of the Kharaztorant cult
(Mid Level)
(deralia) The City of Deralia by Ewok

Known as the Jewel of Daragoth, the human capital of Deralia is the largest city in the lands
(Safe Zone)
(edana) The Village of Edana by Lord Maz

This village grew around the temple of Urdual of the southern frontier
(Safe Zone)
(edanasewers) The Edana Sewers by Eirik and Kristoffer

These sewers predate the town above by hundreds of years and are now the haunted remnants of a once great city
(Low Level)
(foutpost) The Forgotten Outpost by Evil Squirrel

This outpost holds by a thread against an impending Orc invasion
(Mid to High Level) [Disconnected Map]
(gatecity) Gatecity by DrKill

This dwarven capital is carved deep inside the mountains
(Low to Mid Level) [Maze Map]
(gertenheld_cape) by Dridje

Can you help the lighthouse keeper?
(Low Level Map)
(goblintown) Goblin Town by...

The goblins have an extensive encampment here
(Low to Mid Level) [Maze Map]
(helena) Helena by Kurneko

This provincial village is in constant danger of attack
(Low to Mid Level + Self-adjusting raids)
(heras) The Temple of Heras by IceWind

This fallen temple of Urdual is now host to a variety of loathsome beings
(Low to Mid Level)
(island1) Newbie Island by Orpheus

This island is renowned for its excellent hunting
(Low level)
(keledrosprelude2) Dangerous Pass by Brandon

Bandits raid travelers along this pass so frequently that only the bravest of tradesmen still use it
(Mid level)
(keledrosruins) Keledros Palace by Brandon

The insane wizard Keledros has made his home here, woe to those who find it
(Mid level) [Gauntlet Map]
The Lost Caverns (lostcaverns) by Jon

This ancient maze of caverns hosts many denizens of the damned
(Mid to High Level) [Disconnected Map]
(lodagond-1) Lodagond by Crow

You've managed to access Maldora's floating fortress... But can you survive?
(High Level) [Disconnected Map]
(mines) The Abandoned Mines by Kuroneko(?)

These mines were abandoned when they were infested by vile creatures
(Low Level)
(mscave) The Dark Caves by Larington

These caves are infested with Orcs - but also hide a greater threat
(Low to Mid Level w/some auto-adjusts)
(ms_snow) The Frozen Summit by Avoozl & P|Barnum

Great evil lies in the frozen north!
(High Level)
(ms_underworldv2) Underworld by Unknown

This cheesy old MS 1.3 map has been resurrected for sake of nostalgia
(Mid Level)
(ms_wicardoven) Wicard Oven by Replica and…

Voldar seeks to return to power with the help of Maldora from this ancient orc stronghold
(Mid to High Level)
(nightmare_thornlands) Nightmare: Thornlands

This is the realm of Thornlands as it will be if Lor Malgorand has his way
(High Level) [Disconnected Map]
(old_helena) Old Helena by Lord Maz

Travel back in time and see what Helena was like back in MS 1.35! (With some MS:C enhancements, of course)
(High Level) [NPC Trans]
(orc_arena) The Orc Arena by Orpheus

Simple Arena map with a whole lotta orcs
(Mid Level) [Disconnected Map]
(pvp_archery & pvp_arena) PvP maps by Marctastic

PVK maps adapted for use with MSC
(sfor) The Dark Forest by Lord Maz

This forest remains cursed by the power of the fallen Lord Undamael
(Low Level)
(the_keep) The Keep by LittleFrodo

A stronghold of bandits who terrorize the countryside
(Mid to High Level)
(thornlands) Thornlands by Lord Maz and Ewok

These untamed plains and mesas form crossroads to many lands
(Low Level)
(unrest, unrest2/unrest2_beta1) Unrest by Jester

Various maps inspired by Evercrack
(Low to High) [Disconnected]
The Curse of the Bear Gods Series by Crow
Foglund has skinned one too many bears and now ancient gods are out to do him in! Can you save him?
The Lowlands (lowlands)
- Bears attack the merchant’s house!
The Highlands of Daragoth (highlands_msc)
- These tall mesas hold many secrets and many orcs
The Lost Castle (lostcastle_msc)
- The undead guardians of the Bear Gods dwell in this cursed castle
The Orc Stronghold (orcplace_beta2)
- A hidden Orc meeting place
Skycastle (skycastle) (remade by Replica!)
- Home of the corrupted Bear Gods
(Mid to High Level) [Gauntlet Map Series]
The World Walker Series by Crow
You’ve been sent by the King of Deralia to collect ancient scrolls and stop an ancient evil
World Walker I (ww1) [Disconnected Map]
- Teleported to the isles, you must fight your way to an ancient crypt
Wolrd Walker II (ww2b)
- Fight your way through the crypts to the forbidden tomb of Sir Geric
World Walker III (ww3d)
- Face the damned knight, Sir Geric, and retrieve the first of three scrolls of power
(Mid to High Level) [Gauntlet Map Series]
The MS Quest series by Cyax
An old and simple series, resurrected for nostalgia:
ms_quest [Disconnected Map]
(Low Level)
[Gauntlet Map] – This map requires you complete a series of tasks to reach
[NPC Trans] – This map can only be reached through interaction with an NPC
[Hidden Map] – This map is difficult to find
[Maze Map] – This map is hidden within a maze
[Disconnected Map] – Not yet part of the world, must be voted for via votemap
Master Sword 1.35 Maps Non-cheat maps that *may* work with MS:C
Crow's Underkeep - Nothing to do here, but neat to look at
Crow's Underkeep - Same map, alternate lighting, requires file above
Uncheated Cheat Maps - About 60 really crappy maps - edited for content (do not play on [FN]!)
Master Sword : Continued - Customization
Wizard Wars Custom Tracker Scheme - Looks good on MS:C, custom sound & music
Cernob's Trackerscheme for MS - May require Viking font for full effect
Master Sword : Continued - Files for creating NSIS Self installers for Steam
MUI_SpecialBitMap for MS:C
NSIS compatible icon for MS:C
Example NSI script- Important Steam-finding bit is at the end
Master Sword : Continued - Misc
Find Steam - Utility tells you where to put MSC 1.0

( Sorry - I just had to add that... )

May all your works be inspired by the divine.